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Healing : Provides grounding and can enhance the centering of ones energies. It's a 'stone of harmony' and stimulates interaction on all levels. Assists in decreasing self-limiting ideas.


Because of his similar composition Galena and chalcopyrite are commonly associated with acid-generating minerals, such as pyrite and pyrrhotite.


Historic Uses : Galena has been used throughout ancient times for a variety of different reasons, but it's mainly used for smelting. As stated above, this mineral melts at very low temperatures, making it an easy material to work with.

The Ancient Egyptians used to grind Galena up into a powder to rub around their eyes. This was done to reduce the glare from the hot desert sun and to keep pesticides away from their exfoliated faces.

The Ancient Romans would smelt down Galena and use it to make both their water pipes and public baths.

The Ancient Babylonian and Assyrian people would use it as construction material and build with it. It also found a role in the form of currency as Chinese empires would use Galena to make coins. As described, this mineral is very versatile!

Galena Cluster

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