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Sodalite Rose pendant. Comes with chain




Stone of Communication.


Healing: Aids in healing disorders of the throat and vocal cords. Aids communication and confidence in speaking. Balances endocrine sstem and strenghtens metabolism. Helps one to arrive at logical conclusions and eliminate confusion. Provides direction with a lightness of heart




Step one: Centre yourself. You can do this by simply breathing with the intention of letting the stress out, or make it more of a ritual by lighting candles, putting on some calm music, or burning your incense. Relax — the point here is to quiet your mind so you'll be able to connect with your higher self more easily.


Step two: Connect to the pendulum. Sit with your pendulum. Find a comfortable place for you to sit and begin to relax as much and you can. Hold the pendulum in your hand. Take a look at it. Respect it. To connect even further do this by holding the pendulum in a fist by your heart for just a few seconds or breaths. 


Step three: Establish a connection and identify your "Yes" and "No." You need to learn what your body's "yes" and "no" responses are. To establish this quickly, hold the pendulum  6 - 8 inches above the palm of your hand. Begin to ask simple yes/no questions that you know the answers to and see what the responses are. I like to say "My name is..." Take note of what happens for each response.  Step four: Ask your questions. This is the easy part, but you must keep in mind that the pendulum can only answer simple yes/no questions. If you ask something that isn't directly a yes or no, your answer won't be clear.

Sodalite Pendant Rose

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