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Get your birthstones as a set of your three crystals with a description of your stones in a small pouch.

Some of the stones may be polished and some natural. The pouch colour varies.



June 22nd - July 22nd


The Cancer zodiac sign is the 4th sign of the zodiac. The Cancer people are cautious, protective, nurturing, secretive, instinctive, needy, sensitive, funny, empathetic and deeply complex people.



An energy amplifier. Enhances sociability and brings joy, happiness and humour. Good healer for digestion problems and IBS. Helps Canerians release some of their secretive tendencies. 



Clears the mind of worry, giving confidence and self-esteem. Relieves pressure in social, family and working life. Can help to heal insect bite and scarring. Promotes fertility. Helps Canerians as empaths, and protects from over whelming emotions.



Dissipates negative emotions, replacing them with forgiveness & compassion. Helps empaths. Hormonal balancer. Calms waves of emotion. Brings love into your heart. Calms children. Reduces blood pressure and heals kidneys, adrenals and lungs. Increase fertility and protects from miscarriage. ​



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