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Within the Amethyst and Lace Agate heart with a magnificent blue lace crazy side, a symphony of hues and patterns unfolds, intertwining the depth of royal purple with the delicate intricacies of lace-inspired motifs. This enchanting union whispers tales of serenity and sophistication and the waves of agate stand in contrast to the regal purple amethyst tones.



Stone of Peace 

Third Eye Chakra

February Birthstone


Holistic healing

Calming stone which is said to help ease stress and anxiety, bestowing stability and peace. Thought to have a deeply soothing and calming energy. Also thought to help focus the mind.


Metaphysical Tradition

Associated with the mind so thought to help ease headaches and aid sleep. Also thought to help soothe compulsive behaviour and offer energetical protection.

One of the most sought after gemstones in the world. Revered for its majestic properties, it was used in emblems and insignia during the Middle Ages to symbolise royalty. Traditionally the colour of royalty, amethyst was used to adorn the richest and most powerful monarchs and rulers.


Cool Facts: Its name derives from the Greek "amethystos", which means "not drunken", as Amethyst in antiquity was thought to ward off drunkenness.


Composition: SiO2


Crazy Lace Agate

Stone of Laughter

All Chakras


Holistic Healing:

Known for encouraging laughter, joy and good humour. This crystal is heavily associated with balance and harmony. It is thought to enhance perception, awaken creativity and strengthen the mind.


Metaphysical Traditions:

In crystal meditation this is used as it is said to soothe intestinal disorders and ailments of the eyes, ears, nose and throat. It is also used to cleanse the aura and balance the chakras.


Cool Facts: Agate is the national stone of Scotland. Crazy Lace Agate, however, is popularly associated with Mexico - where the majority of it is found.


Composition: SiO2


#calm #balance #stress #sleep #peace 

Amethyst and Blue Crazy lace agate heart

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