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Discover the mystical allure of a Celestine skull, where the ethereal blue hues of the mineral intertwine with the ancient symbolism of the skull. Crafted from Celestine crystals, this mesmerizing sculpture captivates with its tranquil energy, evoking a sense of spiritual connection and introspection. Each delicate crystal reflects the celestial wonders of the universe, inviting contemplation and wonder into any sacred space.



Throat Chakra


Holistic Healing: Celestnine is thought to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Connected with the Throat Chakra, celestine can also assist with communication and self-expression, whilst radiating a serene and tranquil energy.


Metaphysical Traditions:

Celestite is believed to possess calming and soothing energies, promoting peace, harmony, and mental clarity. It is often used in crystal healing practices for stress relief, relaxation, and communication with higher realms.


Cool Facts: Celestine was traditionally used as a pigment in art! It is named after its delicate celestial blue color, which often resembles the sky.


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Celestine Detailed Crystal Skull Carving

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